We have a legal duty to protect health information (PHI) about you. If you have any questions or requests, please contact ALiGN’s Privacy Officer.
Effective: January 24, 2023
This notice will tell you about how our practice handles information about you. It explains how we use this information internally, how and why we may sometimes share it with other professionals and how you can have access to it. Our practice is required to tell you about this because of the privacy regulations of a federal law known as the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Because this federal law is complicated, we have simplified some parts. If you have any questions, however, or want to know more about anything contained in this Notice, please ask our Privacy Officer for additional explanation and details.
Each time you visit our practice (or any other doctor’s office, hospital, clinic, or healthcare provider, whether virtual or in person) information is collected about you regarding your physical and mental health. It may be information about your past, present or future health or conditions; treatment and other services you received from us or from others; or about payment for healthcare. The information we collect about you is called PHI, which stands for Protected Health Information. This information goes into your electronic healthcare file and may include all or some of the following:
This list gives you an idea of the kind of information that may go into your healthcare record at our practice. We use this information for many purposes including the following:
When you understand what is in your record and what it is used for, you can make informed decisions about whom, when and why others should have this information.
Although your health record is the physical property of the healthcare practitioner or practice that collected it, the information belongs to you. You can inspect, read, or review it. If you want a copy of your health record, we can make on for you but will charge you for the costs of copying and mailing if you want it mailed to you. In some very unusual situations, you cannot see everything that is in your record. If you find anything in your record that you think is incorrect or if you think that something important is missing, you can ask us to amend (add information to) your record, although in some situations, we do not have to agree to do that. Our Privacy Officer can explain more about this.
The HIPAA law requires us to keep your PHI private and to give you this notice of our legal duties and our privacy practices. This is called the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP). We will obey the rules of this notice as long as it is in effect but, if we change the NPP rules, the new NPP will apply to all PHI we keep. If we change the NPP, we will post the new Notice on our website where everyone can see it. You or anyone else can also obtain a copy from our Privacy Officer or by calling our office and requesting a copy.
When your information is read by our providers or other employees of the practice, it is referred to as “use” under the law. If the information is shared with or sent to others outside this practice, that is referred to as “disclosure” under the regulations. Except in special circumstances, when we use your PHI within the office or disclose your PHI to others, only the minimum necessary PHI needed for the purpose is shared or referenced.
The law gives you the right to know about your PHI, understand how it is used and have a say as to how it is disclosed to others. We use and disclose PHI for several reasons, most of which are routine. For other uses we must obtain a written Authorization or Release from you, unless the law requires us to make the use or disclosure without your authorization. The law does permit us to make some use and disclosures without your consent or authorization and these cases are explained in detail below.
Uses and disclosures with your consent:
In almost all cases, our intention is to use your PHI at our practice, to provide treatment and intervention for you, to arrange for payment for our services, or some other business function, called health care operations. Though rare, in some cases, you may be asked to sign a separate Consent Form to allow us to share your PHI. Together these uses of PHI are called TPO, which is an acronym for “Treatment Payment & Operations”, and the Consent Form allows us to use and disclose your PHI for TPO.
Uses and disclosures requiring your Authorization:
If we want to use your information for any purpose besides TPO (described above), we need your written permission on an Authorization form.
Uses and disclosures of PHI from health records Not Requiring your Consent or Authorization:
The law requires us to use and disclose some of your PHI without your consent or authorization in these situations:
Accounting of Disclosures
When we disclose your PHI we keep a record of to whom we sent it, when we sent it, and what we sent. You can obtain an account or list of these disclosures.
Patients should be aware of their rights. These include, but are not limited to:
Patient responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
If you need more information or have a question about the privacy practices described above, please speak to our Privacy Officer. If you have a problem with how your PHI has been handled or if you believe your privacy rights have been violated, contact our Privacy Officer. You also have the right to file a complaint with us and with the Secretary of the Federal Department of Health and Human Services. We promise that we will not in any way limit your care at our office or take any action against you if you complain. If you have any questions regarding this notice or our health information privacy policies, please contact our Privacy Officer who can be reached by phone at (754) 254-4663 or by email at
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