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Medical Weight Loss and Exercise

When it comes to medical guided weight loss, you may have heard of various medications such as Semaglutide, Tirzepatide, Ozempic, or Wegovy. These medications are known as GLP-1 agonists and have gained significant attention in managing weight and improving overall health. When combined with exercise, these medications have been proven effective in reducing weight, controlling blood sugar levels, and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

GLP-1 medications help address the underlying biology that aids in weight loss. GLP-1s are naturally occurring hormones made in your gut that send signals to your brain to decrease appetite, improve metabolism, and regulate digestion. These medications work to restore the body’s GLP-1s which works by stimulating the release of insulin, reducing appetite, and slowing down the digestion process. Initially used to treat diabetes, research showed significant weight reductions in patients, making these medications an ideal treatment option as it minimized cravings and maximized nutrient absorption. At ALiGN, we provide Semaglutide and Tirzepatide which are the generic options for Ozempic and Wegovy for patients looking for medically guided weight loss. 

Weight Loss

Regular exercise is a crucial component of any weight loss journey and when combined with GLP-1 medications, can help accelerate the process.
Exercise increases energy disbursement, allowing for effective burning of stored fat and helps to preserve lean muscle mass, which is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Cardiovascular Health

Exercise alone helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. Research shows that GLP-1 medications combined with exercise helps strengthen the heart, reduce blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and promote overall cardiovascular health. Incorporating exercise into the treatment plan can significantly reduce the risk of heart diseases and other cardiovascular complications.

Psychological Well-being

Exercise has a profound impact on mental and emotional health by reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Combining exercise with GLP-1 medications, individuals can experience additional mood-boosting effects, increased motivation, and a sense of accomplishment, leading to better adherence and success to their treatment plan.

Insulin Sensitivity

An additional benefit of exercise combined with GLP-1 medications is its ability to improve insulin sensitivity. Exercise promotes the uptake of glucose by muscle cells, thereby reducing insulin resistance and allowing for better blood sugar control. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

In ALiGnment-On Demand Fitness

ALiGN’s core principle is ALiGNment. Research has shown that a healthy rate of weight loss is achievable through a balanced diet and physical activity. Our approach provides specialized education on mindset,
fitness, and nutrition with direct access and support from your clinical team. All ALiGN medical providers are appropriately licensed and board-certified. Our coaches and advisory board come from a number of different backgrounds including psychology, nutrition, fitness, education and public health. Weight management is a process and we strive to create a customized, supportive, and successful experience for every patient. All ALiGN packages include an array of fitness, nutrition and mindset support that will optimize and accelerate your weight loss.

Exercise plays a vital role in maximizing the benefits of GLP-1 medications like Semaglutide or Tirzepatide. Regular physical activity not only accelerates weight loss but also improves insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular health, and psychological well-being. Individuals achieve better results in managing and sustaining their weight and overall health. At ALiGn we provide evidence-based methods, ongoing support, and sustainable long-term lifestyle changes. Contact us this week or book your appointment online today at:

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